basketball wales

Coaching Audit - have your say and make a difference
BasketballWales and the Sports Council for Wales are asking all basketball coaches in Wales to complete a questionnaire about their coaching involvement and coaching qualifications. This information will help us to plan our Coach Development strategy and provision to best meet the needs of basketball coaches in Wales in terms of support, access to appropriate training courses and coaching opportunities.
To thank you for your time and responses there is a prize draw, which you can enter by completing your contact details at the end of the questionnaire. All information provided will be treated confidentially and your responses to this questionnaire will remain anonymous.
For more information about the Coaching Audit, and to complete it, click here
Want to become a coach?
It couldn't be easier. For the Leaders Award (aimed at U16's) and Level 1 Coach no prior experience is necessary. Check out when the next course is and book yourself on.- Sources of funding for your course - Coaching pathway - Further recommended courses
Remember: If you want to work with children you must have your CRB check completed first. Click here for further BasketballWales advice
Upcoming Courses:
Generic one day coaching conference open to all coaches is being held at the Welsh Institute of Sport on 21st June. Day 2 is Netball specific organised by the Welsh Netball Association. For more details and to book your place click here
Upcoming SportsCoachUK courses and similar coach development opportunities can be found via May courses now posted.
Also check out England Basketball courses this is the same qualification as in Wales. Dates or venue may suit you.
There will be no more 'old style' coaching courses run. New courses will be UKCC only. We are in a period on transition and dates for UKCC courses will follow shortly.
Already Coaching?
If you are already a qualified coach, alongside ensuring you renew your coaching qualification every few years (see UKCC info below), you should also be looking to develop your skills and further your knowledge (Continuous Professional Development, CPD). One of the easiest and best ways to do this is through SportsCoachUK. Contact your local sports development unit for more details.
NOTE: Qualifications will soon be changing to UKCC qualifications.Introduction to UKCC pdf What does the UKCC mean to new & existing coaches, & what will it achieve?
From the Sports Council for Wales:The 'UK Coaching Certificate' - what is it all about?
In the past each governing body for sport had developed their own unique coaching qualification structure which has resulted in a lack of harmonisation between sports throughout the UK and often between Wales and other Home Countries. The UK Coaching Certificate (UKCC) is an initiative to endorse coach education programmes across 31 sports within the UK. Whilst each sport will continue to have unique sports specific element, there are many elements of a coaching qualification that are similar across all sports, and therefore it is hoped that this concept can be used to adopt a standard approach to qualifications which will be endorsed and quality assured.
To a coach this will mean:
• Any qualification you undertake will be recognised anywhere in the UK
You can transfer your qualifications across to other sports more easily, and it will be transferable across the Home Countries
• The training provision will be quality assured
• There will be a quality assured administration and management structure in place
This will hopefully lead to a more professional and effective coach education system! The 31 selected sports are currently undergoing the process of re-aligning their existing coach education qualifications to the new standards. Each sport is at a different stage in this process.
Continuous Professional Development Opportunties: (for all levels)
Basketball Coaching Clinic in Coventry on the week-end of March 28th / 29th.The clinic is being headed up by NBA Coaching icon, Bob Kloppenburg and his son Gary Kloppenburg who is an Assistant Coach with the WNBA Indiana Fever.Clinic Application Forms are available by downloading forms from
BasketballWales and British Basketball recommends the e-version newsletter 'Hard 2 Guard' for coach and player developement information and advice. To subscribe, email with "Subscribe" in the Subject.
Health & Safety Update regarding Physical Contact when coachingby Glen Beaumont - afPE Health & Safety Officer Physical Contact:I am grateful to Stuart Allison, Senior Schools Improvement Consultant, CfBT Educational Trust, Lincolnshire for raising the issue of staff physically supporting or guiding the movement of pupils with the purpose of assisting learning, providing additional control and developing skilled action.This has long constituted common and approved practice and is generally associated with gymnastics, although a number of other activities also employ 'contact' procedures e.g. 'steering' a pupil through a backhand in tennis or cover drive in cricket.The following recommendations are designed to be helpful in avoiding unnecessary and unmerited misinterpretation of physical intervention teaching strategies: * Explain clearly to pupils the purpose behind any physical contact and how it contributes to improving their performance and safety * Provide opportunities for pupils to discuss any reservations and, if necessary, decline such assistance * Adhere to 'official' (e.g. NGB) technical guidance and approved practice * In a mixed teaching or coaching setting, ensure that staff of both genders are present - avoid physical contact in one-to-one situations * Communicate your policy on physical support/guidance to parents and carers and make provision for any dissent
Recommended Further Qualifications:
Good Practice and Child Protection (contact your local council or scuk) Emergency First Aid (contact your local council or scuk)Coaching Young Performers (contact your local council or scuk)Criminal Records Bureau Check (contact your local council or Award (contact Director of Officials Official Award (contact co-ordinator Jan Griffiths
Funding for Courses
Community Chest (up to £1000) This is a Sports Council for Wales (SCW) National Lottery funded scheme which is designed to make a difference to sport locally. The primary purpose of the SPORTLOT Community Chest is to encourage and support good projects which will create new or improved sports activities and opportunities that are additional to what is already in place and would not be able to happen without a grant. This means that a sports club can apply for funding towards coach education courses for it coaches/volunteers. Coach education is a high priority of this grant scheme.
Who is eligible?Organisations can apply, provided they have a bank or building society account in the name of the organisation. This means that the sports club will need to apply on behalf of the coaches within a club
How to apply?The application forms can be be downloaded from the link belowTake me to the Sports Council for Wales site and downloadable form.Click here for your local Community Chest Officer
Coaching LinksNOTE: BasketballWales is not responsible for the content or views expressed within these websites.Basketball specific:

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