Basketball Works









Basketball is a team game. It is played on a hard court, paved with flooring to get consistency in the bounce, can be played indoors or outdoors. It is mostly played indoors nowadays. A YMCA official at Springfield, Massachusetts, is believed to have devised Basketball as a winter sport played indoors. It is played by teams both at amateur as well as professional levels. In America, it is a most loved game. It is spreading to other countries very fast, courtesy YMCA. It is also included in the Mega Sports Event, the Olympic Games.

The Court:


Though a Basketball team comprises of 10 players, only 5 are allowed inside the court, the balance 5 remaining in the team bench eagerly awaiting their turn for substitution. The 5 players are allotted positions as (1) centers (2) guards and, (3) forwards. There are a number of formations of centers, forwards and guards. The normal formation seen are 2 forwards, 1 center and 2 guards as team A has chosen and 1 center, 1 guard and 3 forwards as Team B has chosen in the illustration given below.

Play Time:

There are two sessions of play, each session 20 minutes duration with a 10 minute recess or interval once the first session of 20 minutes is over.

The Baskets:

Baskets comprise of Backboards, rings and attached nets open on the downside for the ball to smoothly glide to the floor.

It is a game where the ball is dexterously advanced through bouncing on the floor and/or passing to another team member. In the final phase the ball has to be thrown in such a way that it enters the ring and comes down through the net.

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